« The philosophy of high-performance plastics is supported and implemented by our employees. It is their dedication, their motivation, their creativity, their skills, their qualifications and their constant training geared to the future that turn our aspirations into reality. »
Michael Hippe
Managing partner with unlimited liability
We have to set standards if we are to be your competent partner in the areas of plastics production, processing and sales. Trustful cooperation with our customers is our principle and the basis for all our actions. We use our skills, our experience, our potential and our creativity to supply you with the best products the market has to offer.
Active environmental protection is not an option for HIPPE, but rather a must. Continuous optimization of processes allows us to reduce environmental impacts before they even take hold. That includes exceeding the requirements of Germany’s emissions legislation: our thermal exhaust-gas scrubbing plants reduce levels of pollutants to values that lie well below the prescribed limits. In addition, intensive exploitation of existing heat sources enables us to cut the use of primary energy and thus minimize CO2 emissions.
Our plants have been approved and constructed according to the provisions of Germany’s emissions legislation (BImSchG – Bundes- Immissionsschutz- gesetz).
That also involved paying special attention to complying with the requirements of Germany’s water management laws (WHG-Wasserhaushaltsgesetz), which prohibit chemicals being discharged into groundwater or public waste-water or rainwater systems. All mixers, reactors and tanks are located within bund walls built in accordance with that legislation and inspected by the TÜV organization.
HIPPE regards protecting people and the environment as a socio-political obligation. So, in addition to the alternative energy and environmental management systems accredited to DIN EN ISO 14001 at both plants, we have set up an internal working group of engineers whose task is to implement environmental and safety stipulations in such a way that they exceed all the legal requirements.